Monday, March 18, 2019


I have purchased a cert file from and can confirm that the person running this site is definitely a scammer.  The cert file he provided me was not even for the model phone that I had (he changed the file name to match the model phone I needed the cert file for).  I confronted the person who runs the site and sold me the cert file (Muhammed Usman/Muhammed Mohsin Riaz +923414666497 on WhatsApp and Gmail @ and he asked me to send him more money for the correct cert (claiming that I failed to inform him that my Samsung Galaxy Note 8 N950U needed a CPID based cert file).  I sent him an additional $50 on top of the $60 I had already sent and he messaged me that the Note 8 no longer used CPID based cert files and that the reason I was unable to write the cert file he sent was because the phone needed to be rooted.  I informed him that there is no root solution for a N950U with binary 5 firmware.  He then claimed I was mistaken and that he had paid someone in Dubai $20 to purchase the root solution.  After three days of excuses and lies he finally sent me the free SamFail root solution for the binary 1 firmware and a cracked copy of IMEI GURU LLC 6.6.9.  I again informed him that none of the files applied to my phone and requested a refund.  He then requested more money from me to pay his associate to perform an imei cleaning for my device instead of the cert file I paid for.  I messaged him that I was not interested given his inability and lack of knowledge of cert files, cpids, root solutions, imei repair, binary firmwares, differences between exynos and snapdragon devices, and writing cert files to newer phones, I needed him to refund my money.  He responded by saying that he would refund my money (minus the return money transfer fees).  I waited patiently for days before finally receiving a message from him asking for another method available besides Western Union (the method I used to send him money) because Western Union only allowed for receipt of money and not sending from his location.  I requested that he send me his address so I could look online and find a location or service near him where he could complete the money transfer to refund my money.  I have yet to receive a response or refund from him.  I have repeatedly attempted to contact him but he is either ignoring my messages or he has blocked me on WhatsApp.

Based upon my experience and web searches of the website and person I dealt with, I can affirm that the person who runs and maintains has very limited knowledge and experience with cellphones, firmwares and cellphone repair.  He is, in my opinion and experience, a scammer and a thief.  My suggestion is to do your research to find another provider of the service, cert files, firmwares or files you need and do not conduct business or send ANY money to  

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